Thursday, June 24, 2010

Riding the Rhythm

There is a quiet turning point that happens near the end of June; a moment when there is an easing of the frenzy of the past two months. It feels like the small relaxation that comes with the sound of the rain on the leaves when it has been dry. I am almost at that moment with the farm. Most of the cover crops are up but not ready to plow under. Most of the vegetable plants are in the ground. Most of the seeds are planted and the successions have been set up. The fall broccoli is planted and up. There is more to do, there is always more to do, but it seems manageable now and I can relax a just little.

The plants have started their own move towards maturity and can survive a certain amount of insect damage. Sure, the potatoes need to be sprayed with Entrust to kill the bugs who can strip the plants in a week, but the rest are getting on with the business of thriving. The first few deliveries have been made and the number of bags at the drop sites has solidified and is set. Now I can ride the rhythm of the summer's beat: deliver, harvest, plant, weed. It pulls me along instead of me pushing it into place.

There are still the emergencies that call for extra attention, the sick animal or the missed bag, but most of it has begun to roll along and I can just hang on for the thrilling ride.

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