Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Maybe it could be better....

Rob Hopkins, who started the Transition Town Movement, says, "It is possible that life with less energy will be better." I like that idea, its hopeful. Hope is a word that has gotten a lot of use recently and that's a good thing. Looking towards a life with less energy, I want to have hope. One of the places that I have found hope is in this little animated film by Frederic Back called "Crac!". Its a French Canadian film that celebrates their traditions but also the community of people who lived with less energy. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Barb Nicol said...

Thank you for posting this wonderful film. I happened upon it as I was perusing your farm site, learning about CSAs. The film was so peaceful and mesmerizing, I couldn't stop watching. Made me want to live with that family through all their happy times.